Friday, 12 October 2012

Mentalists unite!

Despite living in a large town in the South East of England, there is a woeful lack of mental health community resources, such as support groups, in the area. Even where they exist it can be a daunting task for the mentally ill to rock up at an unfamiliar meeting place where everyone knows everyone else...except them. I personally have massive problems even leaving the house when I am suffering from bipolar depression, let alone attempt to mingle among a close-knit group.

But, I can fully appreciate that it might be in my interest to have more contact with people going through similar things to myself. However loving friends and family can be, unless they are going through similar problems its always going to be hard for them to have detailed insight into what you are feeling and how they can help you.

So, in light of of this, I'm putting it out there - I'd like to set up a meet with like-minded fellow mentalists, and any mentalist supporters. I'd like to put faces to online personalities, share our issues, discuss what we think we can do to move this process forwards, get more people joining in the conversation, and hopefully coming out and showing there is nothing to be afraid of. That plus having a bloody good time, naturally!

I'm suggesting early December in order to give people enough time to make arrangements for coming down to the South East. I think in or around London as a location would probably make sense as people might be more able to travel there being such a travel hub. Obviously exact details will be ironed out when I have an idea of how many of you might be interested.

So, if this has piqued your curiosity please leave a comment, send me an email at or shout me on twitter: @hayley_thatcher

Let's keep the conversation going...


  1. oh yes! I'm in. I'm there with bells on. brilliant. let's get this idea moving!!

  2. Fabbbbbbby well done I have re tweeted this..I of course have no idea as you know,about pc's and the et al's but I was wishing only to help and promote what I think is a fabbbbberoooo idea..Hoping with all my heart,and what is left of my mind that it will take off a big way..!!!

  3. Thanks so much hun! Are you coming?! x

    1. If all is well with me indeeeeeedy I am..
