Tuesday, 11 September 2012

But it isn't all bad...


If my life is shit, you can bet your arse there's someone out there having a rougher time of it. So here are some things that make me smile even when I'm at the bottom of the well:

My F
Somehow, after a more than slightly chequered relationship history, I've been thrown a curve ball by the universe in the shape of my fiance. Basically, I totally landed on my feet with this one: he's kind, funny, gorgeous, faithful, lovely and always has my back. We got engaged before we'd even known each other a year, and I had absolutely no doubts that it was, and is, just completely right. I don't know what I ever did to deserve a fella like him, but I'm bloody glad I've got him

We've had our share of ups and downs, but ultimately, I'm incredibly lucky to have such a close, supportive family in my parents, sisters and nephews. Moving home has strengthened those bonds and being able to see them all so much more often and have their support when times are tough is invaluable

I've never been the popular girl surrounded by hoards of friends, but the few I do have are mint. I've actually managed to hold onto them over the years too, something I used to really struggle with when I was younger. I've accepted I don't need a load of satellite mates who just gravitate for the big occasions, or fair weather friends who aren't really interested in you because that takes up time they'd rather spend harping on about themselves. That's meant dumping a few along the way, but we all have to sort the wheat from the chaff sometimes

Home has only been home for a couple of months, but the F and I are loving our gorgeous little house and the serenity, peace and privacy it gives us. Now if only we owned it...

Blasting out everything from wrist-slitting ballads to ear-bleeding thrash metal and singing along can't be beaten in the grand scheme of life's simple pleasures. A good warble always soothes my soul a tiny bit

Putting aside the fact that I haven't been inside a gallery for almost a year, there's little I love more than gazing at art in all its joyous guises, except maybe creating some myself. After a long hiatus, I've recently completed a little mixed media canvas that I'm chuffed with, even if it looks like its been painted by Finger Mouse on crack

When I was a journalist, I found writing or blogging for and about myself nigh on impossible. Why? Somehow it felt indulgent to waste time writing about that kind of nonsense than formulating and exectuing work I was getting paid for. Now I've taken a step back from that arena, I feel freer and more at peace with indulging my inner writer. Journalism isn't about being creative and letting the words spill out onto the page: its much more formulaic than that. Its a breath of fresh air being able to purge on the page, dear void

No, not the sleep variety, but rather those little secret hopes and wishes of success, travel, happiness that bubble within me. Even after the rollercoaster ride of my life so far, its comforting to know I am still able to imagine and desire wonderful and special dreams. Now all I need to work on is making some more of them come true

Wow, before this becomes any more of a cheese-fest, I'll finish on a beauty tip. By beauty I mean things like seeing swallows flying at dusk, celebratory bunting, cobbled streets, morning dew, crisp winter days, robins eating berries, unexplored paths...its everywhere


  1. Love this. You are right. Sometimes it helps to see the positives as well. Not always easy yes. But so worth searching for

  2. Thanks so much for your comment, Kellie. You hit the nail on the head about being worth the search
