Tuesday, 22 January 2013


It's been a long time, I shouldn't a left ya...without a dope beat to step to. Oops. Apologies, dear void, for my radio silence over the last few months. Just when I think I've cracked this regular blogging lark...

Thankfully I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth, this time at least. In fact, quite the opposite. They (whoever THEY are) say life's what happens when you're busy making other plans, and before my little cyber-break from all things mental, I felt I was getting a little detached from affairs that needed my attention in the real world - stuff like finding a wedding venue after our plans to tie the knot down in the South West kind of fell through, Christmas, working out my future plans from a professional point of view, and generally, having a bit more fun again.

Don't get me wrong - I don't view this little blog as PITA, but I was starting to think I was rabbiting on as if woe is me. I felt my words, though painfully honest, were beginning to sound as if I was allowing my bipolarity to define me - despite my protestations to the contrary. And I didn't like it. 

It's not that I'm ashamed of being a mentalist, but if I being honest, and you know how I'm good at that, I need and have the ability to fill my life with more than that. I've also learnt I have to be a bit selfish at times in order to function better and live the life I want to. Prime example was my call for fellow mentalists to unite - it got a good response, but I started doubting I was up for it. I felt I hadn't thought it through and you lovely peeps might turn up only to be faced with someone as utterly clueless as the next person about my actual aims. I guess what I'm saying is, I'm just a regular girl. I don't have all the answers. I have no idea if I'd make a good spokesperson for the issue of mental health. I also don't know that I want to be, given all the banging my head would take against sturdily-built brick walls in the process, although that is perhaps for another post. 

For right now its all about the writing, weight loss and exercise (I have a certain dress I need to fit into), enjoying life a bit more and making 2013 a cracker. Consequently, this blog might expand to topics outside the mental realm, but we shall see.

Bring it on.